Cyberstella World History

The following timeline describes the major events leading up to 2222 where Cyberstella is set. Read on to discover the context behind an interstellar world in which humans, androids, and beasts coexist and can even be found on the same crew.


Manned space travel funded and conducted by corporations becomes a reality.


Companies expand into space operations; this becomes commonplace.

Research into long-duration space navigation and extended stays in space leads to the growth of an industry concerned entirely with turning humanity into a truly interstellar species.

Advancements in artificial intelligence mean computer programs begin to possess intelligence equal to or even greater than that of humans.

International treaties on AI are defined, strongly restricting both self-development and aggressive characteristics towards humans, other societies, and the environment.


Geopolitical power struggles come to an end and earth transitions gradually to a new brand of capitalism. A new international order is established.


The Mars Migration Plan is launched.

The development of robotics technology gives rise to androids, which are humanoid robots with cutting-edge AI and unrivaled problem-solving capabilities.

At the same time, provisions for robotics technology are added to international treaties on AI.


Tens of thousands of humans migrate to space, albeit at great capital cost.


Full-scale operational experiments with warp technology begin.

Androids' right to exist becomes a hotly debated social issue.


Warp technology is established and put into action and voyages to new planetary systems begin, marking the start of the First Space Frontier era.

The International Convention on the Fundamental Right to Live for Androids is ratified and guarantees androids' independent right to live.

With androids' right to exist legislated for, establishing rights equal to those of human rights, legislators make the following exceptions:

  • Prohibition of self-propagation

  • Prohibition of attacks on humans, the environment, and society


Newly discovered materials and bleeding-edge research substantially lowers the cost of galactic navigation and thus large-scale exploration of the galaxy begins.

The principle of population concordance was added to officially register androids on governmental records. This is done to bridge the gap between android and human populations due to unprecedented population decline.


Advanced intelligent civilizations were discovered and contact was established.

Economic, cultural, and military conflicts and small-scale clashes and symbiosis begin.

Androids struggle to protect their right to existence from infringement by the principle of population congruence assimilating them into human societal norms.

Demands for sovereignty lead to independence movements in space colonies. Momentum for political rights to self-govern outside of the earthly international order grows.


A blight upon the late 22nd century is the Human-Android war. Androids faced an existential crisis in the fight for recognition, and indeed fought for their survival. Official peace would be reached by the turn of the century with seeds of conflict bubbling under the surface. Factions within little-understood android subcultures remain dissatisfied with the terms of the peace deal.

Forces opposing the principle of population concordance are however largely swept away by both humans and androids in the interests of sustainable survival rights and symbiosis.

Small-scale alien-human conflicts wane and an all-out peace accord is reached.

Colonial sovereignty wins the debate and an international order is established for the new space century.

Tensions begin to grow between humans and beast-people following the success of the campaign for android rights. While beasts are generally looked upon favorably and are proffered a seat at the table in political and social discourse, there is a festering and spreading notion that humanity does not see them as equals and seek to erase their unique culture by forcing them to think, act and socialize in the manner of a human.

This is a deep concern for human leaders as beasts would be a formidable foe in organized uprisings. They are also incredibly valuable to The Guild for their intelligence and cunning in space exploration.


A period of innovation and stability marked by interaction with intelligent civilisations and technological progress through various conflicts, followed by a period of peace after the entropy and chaos in the last century. There is mass civilian adoption of new technologies.

As a result, space costs decrease, space infrastructure is developed and space navigation becomes more common.

2222 (Present Day)

A range of developments in technology and resource extraction reduces the cost of space travel significantly and democratizes access to space exploration.

This ushers in the second space exploration era. Despite the risks, one by one, people (meaning humans, beasts and androids) travel into space to challenge and conquer worlds they have not yet seen.

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