The First Collections

The First Collections

The collection of the first 580 NATs generated to date from block hashes with Kaprekar’s Constant. These NATs will be priced according to its rarity, for example:

Dickinsonia, representing the ancient Proterozoic era (2,500,000,000 years ago), is priced at 1 BTC.

On the other hand, creatures like the Japanese wolf, which became extinct relatively recently (100-120 years ago), will be priced at 0.004 BTC to reflect their comparative rarity. The pricing idea represents the difficulty of reviving.

Launch Pricing

The price will drop by an exponential decay of 0.75 from 1 BTC.

Following the first collection, VLA will continue to expand its collection with subsequent releases based on the DMT framework. These subsequent collections will explore additional themes, epochs, and species, building on the foundation established by the original 580 Genesis NATs.

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